- DATE: September 8, 9, 10 and 14, 2020
- TIME: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (max.)
- MEDIUM: Acrylics
- LEVEL: Beginners
- FEE: $60
- SUPPLIES LIST: scroll down, you’ll find it at the bottom of this page
If you want to seriously start painting, this is the class for you.
I believe in solid foundations, and that is what this painting class for beginners will give you. You will finish this class knowing the basics of value, color and composition, how to apply them to your paintings and I will guide you from start to finish, step by step, on your first (or third!) still life painting from a photo I will provide. I will also offer you the best studio practices that will help you paint frequently…the secret to improve faster!
With these essentials you will be able to continue exploring the wonderful world of painting on your own…until we meet in a future class 😉
How will it work?
We will meet 3 consecutive days, live on Zoom, for about 1.5 hours daily. (I will record the classes in case you can’t participate live). Each day we will talk about one painting topic and you will do an exercise right after the class or at any time before the next one.
After the third lesson you will have a couple of days to finish a painting. You will have access to a step by step painting demonstration. That way you can paint along me at your own pace.
On the 4th day we will meet again to talk about your work, give you feedback and answer any questions.
We will paint with acrylics.
Questions? e-mail me!
If this is your first painting class, buy the minimum supplies required: panels or canvasses, paint, brushes, charcoal, an inexpensive water spray and paper towels. Once you are sure you want to keep going invest on the most expensive items: easel, palette, more brushes, more paint, etc.
- 4 6 x 6 inch panels or canvasses (not SOHO) (you can paint on a 8 x 8 inch surface too if you prefer)
- 1 11 x 14 panel if you are painting on an easel. If not using an easel, no need to buy this.
- A small sketchpad (or printer paper, or any white paper you have available)
- Soft vine charcoal (one stick is enough). They have packets of 3 sticks here.
- blue tape (painters tape)
ACRYLIC PAINT (I recommend Lukas, Liquitex heavy body or Golden (on the expensive side))
- Titanium White
- Ultramarine blue
- Pthalo Blue
- Lemon Yellow (if Lukas), Cadmiun Yellow Light (if Liquitex)
- Cadmiun Yellow (if Lukas), Cadmiun Yellow Medium (if Liquitex)
- Cadmium Red Deep (if Lukas), Cadmium Red Medium (if Liquitex)
- Alizarin Crimson
PALETTE: Surface you use to pour your paint and mix. I like the Masterson Palette, but please use any palette you already own, a disposable palette, plastic/paper plates, or a piece of wax or freezer paper taped to a table (a table you don’t mind getting paint on!).
BRUSHES: Use whatever you already own, but if purchasing: buy flat brushes sizes #2, #4, and #6 (I like the brand Silver Bristlon but feel free to buy a different brand)
- Small Water Spray (to keep paint wet)
- Color wheel (I will send you one you can print, but, if you want to buy one, you won’t regret it)
- Paper towels
- Bucket for water (to clean brushes)
- Easel not required for this class. If you have one, great! If you don’t have an easel you could use a 3 ring binder (the ones with the bigger rings) as your easel for this class. I’ll show you during the first class.
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